Starting a business is an exciting journey filled with opportunities and challenges. For startups, establishing a strong foundation is critical, and one key aspect of this foundation is a good relationship with an accountant. While many entrepreneurs focus on product development, marketing, and funding, accounting often takes a back seat. However, overlooking this essential component […]
4 Reasons Why a Budget Matters for Your Business
You may ask yourself why a budget matters for your business. If you ask 10 people, you’ll probably get 10 different answers, all of which can provide you insight. A budget isn’t just a financial document; it’s a roadmap for your business’s success. 4 reasons why a budget matters for your business: Set Clear […]
4 Amazing Tips on Content Marketing for Small Businesses
Historically, small businesses have been slower in adapting to content marketing methods and / or strategies that are utilize by corporate marketers. However, as (SEO) Search Engine Optimization practices have evolved considerably in the last couple of years – it’s become more than obvious that small businesses need to add eBooks, comparison guides and how-tos, […]
Why Is Accounting Important For Students?
Accounting is a great field to study for various purposes. This field course offers you knowledge and skills that you can use in several industries. It is also one of the essential subjects for business management students. However, Most students do not take an interest in this subject because they find this subject complicated. Do […]
The IRS Wants to Know, Are You Running a Business or a Hobby?
Being a small business owner brings with it a whole host of challenges. Not only are you concerned with taking care of your client’s needs, getting paid and paying your vendors. You also have to be concerned with staying compliant with federal and state laws as well as local guidelines. Small business owners, especially sole […]
The Ten Most Common Billing Mistakes Contractors Make
Government contractors, particularly those who are new to government work and are working for a DoD agency, often face delays when submitting vouchers for payment. There are two common reasons why delays happen: the clerk processing the vouchers has a very different agenda from the contractor, and there are common mistakes on the vouchers themselves […]
Advantages Of Hiring An Accountant For Your Business
Reports, bookkeeping, tax planning, financial plans, analyzing where the company is going, finance-wise, are all critical to the health of a business. Poorly maintained account books, or those in which figures do not add up, or shoddily made reports can come in the way of getting clarity into the financial state of the business. With […]
Marketing Tips – 12 of 122 Easy-to-Implement, Cost-Effective Marketing Tips for Small Business
I assembled these tips from years of reading, research, and during the course of helping over 3,000 small business owners with their marketing plans. All the tips are cost-effective ways to market your small business so you can get more clients, increase sales, income, and move towards increasing your wealth! The twelve tips and tactics […]
Four Points to Consider in Hiring a Reliable Payroll Service
Outsourcing the payroll is certain to help many of small business professionals. Due to the increase in companies being fined by the IRS because of inaccuracies in the payroll, it certainly helps to rely on the skilled service providers available. Below are four things to expect with the best payroll services: Assess the Needs An […]
Do You Know the Cost of Fraud?
Every business is subject to the potential for fraud. Every business that does not believe that they can be the victim of fraud needs to assess their operations for red flags that could point to fraud. Fraudsters are very good at hiding their crimes. They are not going to advertise their crime, but many make […]
The Must-Have Tools for Startup Entrepreneurs
Over the last few years, more people than ever before have decided to put their entrepreneurial skills to the test and are opening their own businesses. Like anything else in life, opening and maintaining a business will come with hurdles and obstacles along the way, but once you find success, you feel like you truly […]
Can You Tell the Difference Between Messy Bookkeeping and Fraud?
How would you know the difference? If you were constantly involved in your books, the mess should be addressed and rectified immediately and never allowed to get out of control. It is difficult to tell the difference between messy accounting and fraud because a lot of fraudsters use the messy accounting trick to cover up […]